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Investment update!


We are happy to share that Ignite Capital has invested in Hyttetjenester, an online marketplace that connects cabin owners with local service providers. Hyttetjenester is the market leading platform in Norway with over 80,000 users and a market share of over 50 percent.

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Pressemelding Hyttetjenester

Hyttetjenester plays a central role in the cabin services landscape, enabling cabin owners to order services from local service providers. Local service providers benefit from a dependable, eco-friendly solution that also saves time and money.

In 2023, Hyttetjenester facilitated nearly half a million snow removal services with a transaction volume (Gross Merchandise Value) of more than NOK 200m, demonstrating the platform's widespread use and impact on local communities. The investment opens up the possibility for developing adjacent services, such as fire wood delivery, janitor- and cleaning services. In addition, the investment allows for expansion opportunities into other countries such as Sweden and Finland.

At Ignite Capital, we are dedicated to supporting market leaders, and the investment in Hyttetjenester shows our confidence in their potential. We're excited about the journey ahead and the positive effect this partnership will have on the cabin services landscape.

Stay tuned for more updates as we start this exciting journey with Hyttetjenester.